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Review Data from Online Sources


How We Get Our Ratings

We strive to provide our visitors with the most accurate and up-to-date information. To do this, we collect a small amount of data from online sources and use it to create an average rating. In some cases, user submitted content may also be used in the calculation of these ratings.

We do our best to ensure that all hotel ratings and reviews listed on our site have been found on reliable online sources, including but not limited to sites like Google®, Trip Advisor®,®, and Expedia®. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of every rating or review.

We make every effort to ensure that the hotel listings on our site are up-to-date, accurate and reliable. However, please note that some of these hotels may be rated differently by different online sources such as Google®, Trip Advisor®,® and Expedia®. We are not responsible for any discrepancies between what is listed on our site and the ratings found on these other sites.

We are not responsible for any changes to the ratings or their accuracy, and we cannot guarantee a particular rating will remain accurate after a certain period of time. We suggest that visitors use our ratings as a guide but also independently verify the information on other sites. We also recommend travelers check directly with hotels for current availability and room rates.

Travel Experts/Travel Personalities/Online Infulencers

We strive to ensure that all reviews and opinions expressed on our site are honest and unbiased. The reviews featured on our site are written mainly by travel experts, YouTube personalities, travel influencers and other respected personalities in the industry. This is to ensure that readers get an accurate representation of the lodging listed on the site.

In some cases, our own staff may provide a review, feedback or additional review information. However, any reviews provided by our staff are clearly marked as such and we do not attempt to influence the opinion of the original reviewer.

We take great care to ensure that all reviews featured on our site are accurate and honest. By acknowledging the opinion of travel industry professionals, we strive to provide a reliable and trustworthy source of lodging reviews for our readers.


The videos featured on our website are used strictly for informational purposes and are the opinions of the video artist or personality. We do not endorse, support, or guarantee any claims made in these videos. The views expressed in them are solely those of the video artist/personality and not necessarily shared by us. Please note that we take no responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided in these videos. If you have any questions regarding the content of a video, please contact the video artist/personality directly.

User Reviews

We try our best to provide our users with the best user experience possible, so we allow them to leave a review of any hotels listed on our platform. However, please note that these reviews are written by registered users of our site and they reflect their own opinion and not ours. We reserve the right to remove any review which we deem false or violates our Terms of Service (TOS). We encourage users to exercise caution when reading and relying upon these reviews.


The ratings provided on our website are intended only as a guide. They should not be taken as fact and may not accurately reflect the opinion of our visitors. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of these ratings, nor can we accept any liability for losses or damages arising from their use.

We advise our visitors to make their own decisions based on their own research. No warranty is given or implied regarding the accuracy of our ratings and we disclaim any responsibility for losses or damages arising from their use. By using this website and its content, you agree to these terms.

Thank you for visiting our website.

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